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Blockchain Development A distributed immutable ledger technologyYou are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.
Distributed Control System (DCS ) Training Certification Online CoursA Distributed Control System DCS Training & Certification Online Course is developed to manage the complicated and geographically distributed control systems throughout the plant.
Hot off the Press | Book Reviews and News from Distributed ProofreaderBook Reviews and News from Distributed Proofreaders
Distributed Audio | Pivotal Audio VideoA Distributed Audio system lets you enjoy music from several audio sources—such as XM® and Sirius satellite tuners, CD players and even your iPod®—in any area of your home, inside or out, all at the same time.
Distributed Generation Program | ZAPconnectZAPconnect is a distributed generation program tracking software that expedites processing of distributed energy resource interconnection applications.
memcached - a distributed memory object caching systemFree open source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.
Welcome to The Apache Software FoundationHome page of The Apache Software Foundation
Apache HiveApache Hive is a distributed, fault-tolerant data warehouse system that enables analytics at a massive scale. Hive Metastore(HMS) provides a central repository of metadata that can easily be analyzed to make informed, d
The WordPress Codebase Make WordPress CoreWordPress is managed by a centralized version control system called Subversion. A mirror of this repository is also available via Git, a distributed VCS. The WordPress codebase can be accessed in a number of ways: using
Distributed Tracing 101 - StackifyDistributed tracing is key as businesses look to ensure their applications deliver the best user experience possible
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